Lower Your Risks
Automate Processes
Make Sales Easier

Better evaluate credit worthiness of applicants. Automate decision making using authentic data from credit bureaus to help your Sales, Marketing, Operations, Compliance and Finance team deliver better and consistent results using our “Credit Decision Engine” platform.
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Intelligent Credit Decision solutions


Automate Workflows


Faster Customer Onboarding


Credit management
Standardize Credit Management Process


Scoring model
Configurable Scoring Models


Credit Risk
Realtime Credit Risk Monitoring


Extract Credit Data
Automatically Extract Credit Data
Credit Decision Engine

How it works

Our platform integrates with credit reports from top credit bureaus like Equifax, Experian and Transunion to create “Credit Decision Engines” that empower you to qualify customers, find credit worthiness of prospects, assess risk, personalize offerings, find opportunities to cross sell and upsell, prevent frauds, do targeted campaigns, automate process from customer qualification to closing deals and much more.
How it works
Leads Data
Feed in your customer data
Lead Enrichment
Get insights on your customer from Credit reports.
Set rules to automate decisions and processes in your organization.
Decision Engine

What can our software help you with?

CreditRaptor provides credit report solutions as a service and is integrated with all three major credit bureaus and multiple other sources to help you with

Speed up operations


Optimize Workflows

Refine your workflows effortlessly without the need for coding. Seamlessly create and modify rules and workflows with ease.
Refine your workflows effortlessly without the need for coding. Seamlessly create and modify rules and workflows with ease.
Test changes with confidence through unit tests, back tests, shadow tests, and A/B tests.
Experience smooth deployment from local to staging to production environments. Unlock the power of gradual deployment for seamless transitions.

Integrate with data from multiple sources

Enrich your customers data with access to an extensive array of data sources. criminal and fraud scores effortlessly via API integration. Streamline your processes and enhance fraud detection capabilities with ease.
Credit Intelligent Webforms

1. Tailored actions

Tailor credit-specific messaging, links, and URL redirects to suit each lead's unique needs and as per your company policy

2. Phone Forms

Let your employees know if the client is qualified as they speak to your clients over phone to better engage and convert

3. Integrate via API's

Working with leads from multiple sources and including lead providers, don't worry our platform is robust enough to integrate with all your lead sources and CRM's

Automate your pre-qualification processes, lead assignment, workflows, pricing etc... with our Credit Intelligent Webforms

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Get pre-Qualified
Dashboard laptop

Benefits of our Credit Decision Engine Platform

Budget Friendly Software on Cloud
Budget Friendly Software on Cloud
Enjoy the best of both worlds – the flexibility of customization and the affordability of ready-to-use software without breaking your bank.
Professional Support
Professional Support
Get expert assistance and professional support to ensure your software is up and running without having to worry about technicalities.
Proven and tested
Proven and Tested
Trust in battle-tested software provider that has a history of developing stable and dependable software.
Effortless Integration and Automation
Effortless Integration and Automation
Seamlessly integrate with your data sources, CRM’s and automate your entire workflows from beginning to end.
Custom decision engines
Custom decision engines
The decision engines can be customized to your unique business needs. The decisions engine are capable to make instant decisions without human intervention.
Prebuilt for Rapid Deployment
Prebuilt for Rapid Deployment
Our platform is prebuilt with most common features and integrated with credit bureaus to get you started in the shortest possible time, saving both time and resources.

Custom Solutions Across Industries

Our credit decision engine can be customized as per the requirements of your industry. Some of the top industries we currently work with are   
Financial Services
Financial Services
Mortgage & housing
Mortgage & housing

Integrate Credit Reports From Top Bureaus In Your Decision Making

Experian logo
trans union
Build Custom Decision Engines On
Identity Information to verify identity of customers
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Credit Accounts to know current credit exposure
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Credit Inquiries to find who else you are competing with
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Payment History to understand repayment schedules
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Public Records to check legal obligations
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Collections Accounts to know credit risks
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Credit Utilization to find credit utilization patterns
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Derogatory Marks to understand credit risks
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Credit Score to evaluate credit worthiness
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Existing Credit Accounts
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Latest Blogs of Credit Decision Engine


Harnessing Credit Decision Engine to Unlock the Potential of Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) for Financial Institutions

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Business Efficiency

Empowering Departments: How Credit Decision Engines Boost Organizational Efficiency

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Business and Finance

Unveiling Business Opportunities: Leveraging Credit Report Data Across Industries

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Still not sure ?
To learn how credit report data can be leveraged to gain business benefits
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To leverage data from credit reports for strategic business benefits
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6500 River Place Blvd, Building 7 Suite 250, Austin TX 78730, United States.